Usage Details


The usage command for the pcap2csv tool is as given below:

usage: pcap2csv [-v] -p PCAPFILE -o OUTDIR [-f METADATAFILE] [-h]

**required arguments:**

-p PCAPFILE, --pcapfile PCAPFILE
pcap file to convert

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
output directory to save csv files

**optional arguments:**

-v, --verbose
increase output stream log level of output

metadata json file with experiment description

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

The library can also be used within python with the code below:

from pcap2csv.pcap2csv import Pcap2csv
csvmaker = Pcap2csv(pcapfile, outdir, metadatafile)

Note that the metadatafile argument is optional.

Output CSV Headings Description

pcap2csv pre-processes the packet capture file into a CSV file that stores all the information extracted and calculated for each packet in the capture.

Definitions for each item in the header of the CSV is given below:

epoch_time              The epoch time stamp at which the packet
                        was captured.
idx                     Unique index for every packet seen in the
is_raw_pkt              False if packet is a reassembled packet
l2_d_size               Layer2 payload size in bytes
l2_dst_mac              Destination MAC address of the packet
l2_src_mac              Source MAC address of the packet
l2_vlan_idx             VLAN id of packet if present
l3_d_size               Layer3 payload size in bytes
l3_dcsp                 Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)
l3_defrag_d_size        Unique index for all packet fragments of
                        the same original packet.
l3_defrag_pkt_idx       Unique ID for packets after defragmentation
l3_df                   IP dont fragment flag
l3_dst_ip               Destination IP address of the packet
l3_ecn                  Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
l3_flow_lbl             A unique ID for each flow (one side of a L4
                        TCP/UDP session)
l3_frag_idx             IP fragmentation index value
l3_frag_offset          IP fragment offset value
l3_frags_idxs           An ID shared by fragmented packets that
                        belonging to the same original IP packet
l3_hl                   The length of the header in bytes
l3_ip_chksm             IPv4 header checksum field
l3_ip_opt_dict          A string representation of the dictionary
                        of IP options
l3_ip_resvd             IP reserved bit
l3_is_defrag            A boolean, true when packet is defragmented
l3_is_frag              A boolean, true when packet is a fragment
l3_len                  Total length header value in bytes
l3_mf                   IP more fragment flag
l3_src_ip               Source IP address of the packet
l3_ttl                  Time to live value
l3_type                 Layer3 type of the packet 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'
l4_ack                  TCP acknowlegement flag value
l4_ack_num              TCP acknowlegement number value
l4_chksm                Checksum value for TCP packets
l4_conn_start_seen      Boolean, true when the first packet in a
                        packet's TCP connection is present in the
                        capture being analysed
l4_cwr                  Congestion window reduced (CWR) flag
l4_d_size               Layer4 payload size
l4_dst_port             Destination layer4 port number of the
l4_ece                  ECN-Echo bit
l4_fin                  TCP fin flag value
l4_from_client          Packet is determined to be from the client
                        side of its TCP or UDP connection
l4_is_out_of_order      Is 1 if TCP packet was received out of
                        order and 0 otherwise.
l4_is_retransmission    Is 1 if packet is a TCP retransmission and
                        0 otherwise.
l4_l4_chksm             Checksum value for TCP packets
l4_ns                   ECN-nonce bit
l4_psh                  TCP push flag value
l4_rst                  TCP reset flag value
l4_seq_num              TCP sequence number value
l4_sess_idx             Unique index for packets found to belong in
                        the same TCP or UDP connection.
l4_src_port             Source layer4 port number of the packet
l4_syn                  TCP syn flag value
l4_tcp_off              TCP data offset  value
l4_tcp_opts             A string representation of the dictionary
                        of TCP options
l4_tcp_resvd            TCP reserved header field
l4_type                 Layer4 type of the packet 'tcp' or 'udp'
l4_urg                  TCP urgent flag value
l4_urp                  Urgent pointer
l4_win_size             TCP window size value
protocol_data           Up to first 10 bytes of Layer4 payload data