Usage - Analyzing network traces with traffic_metrics


The usage command for the traffic_metrics tool is as given below:

usage: traffic_metrics [-h] [-v] [-t {packets,pdus,both}] [-f FILES]
                    [-n FILENAMES] -o OUTDIR [-d] [-s FILTER_STR]
                    [-k {global,per_user_session,both}]

**required arguments**:

-f FILES, --file FILES
pcapfile, or csvfile of pkts/pdus (default: [])

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
directory to store results (default: None)

**optional arguments**:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-v, --verbose
increase verbosity of log output

-t {packets,pdus,both}, --analysistype {packets,pdus,both}
the type of analysis to perform. When the 'analysistype' argument
selected is 'pdus', only the 'application level pdus metrics'
are calculated. When the 'analysistype' argument selected is
'packets', all metrics except the 'application level pdus metrics'
are calculated. Selecting 'both' calculates all metrics

names to be used for each file input (default: [])

-d, --rundashboard
launch a webserver containing a dashboard
for interactive visualization of charts (default: False)

-s FILTER_STR, --filterstring FILTER_STR
filter packets to analyze (default: None)

-k {global,per_user_session,both}, --analysis-kind {global,per_user_session,both}
perform analysis of entire input or for each app user-
session in input (default: both)

The library can also be used within python with the code below:

from traffic_metrics.traffic_metrics import Traffic_Metrics
tm = Traffic_Metrics(analysistype, files, outdir, rundashboard,
                     filter_str, filenames, analysis_kind)

Filter String Format

The filter string specified with the --filter-str option must be a string in json format that can specify time, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port

When time is to be specified it must be a list of length 2, that contains [t1, t2] in seconds. When specified, only packets in the time interval between t1 and t2 will be considered in the analysis. t1 and t2 are measured in terms relative seconds from the time of the first packet.

When any combination of src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, src_port or dst_port is selected, the system filters the packets to include only those that match the selected specified values using an ‘AND’ combination only.

For example a filter string would look like:

--filter-str '{"time":[10,50],"src_ip":"","dst_ip":""}'

With the above example, the system will only analyze packets in the input trace file, that have timestamps between 10 and 50 seconds after the first packet of the trace file, and that have source IP address of “”, and destination IP of “”.


This traffic_metrics tool reports the metrics listed below. Note that when the ‘analysistype’ argument is ‘pdus’, only the ‘application level PDU metrics’ are calculated.

For each of the metrics below the tool calculates the statistics listed in the statistics section below, and the associated charts are included.

  • General metrics

    • packet_rate

    • inter_packet_time

    • throughput

    • packet_size

  • layer2 metrics

    • l2_payload_throughput

    • l2_payload_size

  • layer3 metrics

    • l3_payload_throughput

    • l3_payload_size

  • layer4 metrics

    • l4_payload_throughput

    • l4_payload_size

    • l4_tcp_retransmitted_rate

    • l4_outoforder_rate

    • l4_window_size

    • l4_unacked_inflight_data

  • Application level PDU metrics

    • app_pdu_rate

    • app_pdu_throughput

    • app_inter_pdu_time

    • app_srv_resp_time

    • app_pdu_size

    • app_pdu_throughput_no_zeros

    • app_pdu_rate_no_zeros


For each of the metrics above we calculate the statistics below:

  • dataset_len

  • mean

  • median

  • std

  • max

  • min

  • range

  • index of dispersion

  • inter-quartile-range

  • skewness

  • kurtosis

  • Hurst exponent

  • 25th_percentile

  • 50th_percentile

  • 75th_percentile


This traffic_metrics tool generates the graphs listed below in the plots folder within the specified output directory. For each metric, we plot the graphs below:

  • time series graph

  • frequency histogram

  • cumulative frequency curves

  • Box plots

  • Q-Q plots