Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

This installation requires python3 and pip3. Ensure that python3 version is greater than or equal to 3.6.

High-Level Dependencies

  • python >= 3.6

  • pip3

  • pdflatex

Install Dependencies

Before downloading and using traffic_metrics, ensure that you have ‘pdflatex’, ‘python3-dev’ and the following python libraries installed on the device on which you intend to run traffic_metrics:

Install pdflatex using appropriate command based on your OS platform.

For ubuntu / debian linux:

sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base python3 python3-dev python3-pip

Second install pcap2csv and trafficdatasetmaker using instructions at this link and here.

Get traffic_metrics

traffic_metrics source can be downloaded from the UH Netlab link.

Install traffic_metrics

Once downloaded, unzip using appropriate commands, change into the unzipped directory and install with pip using the command:

pip3 install -e .